“As a writer and avid reader, I have always possessed a vivid imagination for creating memorable characters and situations with the ability to bring an original idea to life.”
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Welcome and thanks for checking out my website. Please take a little time and click on all the tabs, there are interesting and amusing items in each section. Learn a little about me, my books and CD’s and leave me a note in the contact section, I would love to hear from you.

A Northern Rebel
Outnumbered and alone, he must sacrifice everything as he attempts to liberate Delilah and her people, facing confrontations, treachery, and even betrayal, culminating in a final deadly showdown between precious freedom and extreme prejudice.
A Northern Rebel is a romantic adventure that touches on human emotions and forbidden love amidst the rich backdrop of the old South at the onset of the Civil War.
A Rebel’s Road Home
Return to the old south once again and love, cheer and cry along with Delilah and Jameson Hartford, one last time, in “A Rebel’s Road Home.”

A Rebel’s Road Home
Return to the old south once again and love, cheer and cry along with Delilah and Jameson Hartford, one last time, in “A Rebel’s Road Home.”
The Music of John Schaffer
A Note from John
Enjoy my website and all it has to offer!
Please connect with me so we can stay in touch. I will be adding new items as they become available, informing you of upcoming personal appearances, relating interesting stories that occur at those appearances and running contests to win free autographed items. Don’t miss out! Get on my mailing list by signing up in the Contact section today!